With one player the game runs at perfect 60 FPS not only that, the game is crisp and the bright textureless colours look great on the TV and in handheld.

You’ve got a full single-player mode with cups, there are time trials, online and local play. Hotshot Racing ticks all the arcade racing boxes, but it also ticks all the 90s arcade racing boxes. Games like Daytona USA, Virtual Racing, or Outrun. Hotshot Racing is a modern take (but still retro-looking) on the 90s arcade racing games of the past. Hotshot Racing began it’s life a long time ago as Racing Apex, now that game (with the weapons removed) has evolved into this. Now the small team at Lucky Mountain Game and some of the racing smarties from Sumo Digital have finally got Hotshot Racing over the line. Real arcade racing games are few and far between these days.